My 2018 Goals


It’s that time of year again: the time to look back and remember all that’s happened in the past year and to pop champagne in honor of all the possibilities in the new year ahead. This year, I can confidently say I achieved the resolutions I set last year and was actually able to document most of those experiences, too.

Travel More ✅

Although it’s hard to beat a cross-country road trip, we did get a lot of traveling in this past year. The perfect example of our traveling adventures? I spent my 24th birthday in pretty much every US time zone (just missed mountain time), having one of the longest birthdays anyone can have. Yeah, that actually happened. From exploring more of the west coast to visiting home on the east—our travel time definitely added up. Some of my favorite places we visited for the first time this year included:

Developing My Skills (Personal and Professional) ✅

I’m not going to lie. This felt like the most daunting resolution I set for myself. At the time, I was really just hoping to dust off my business cards, maybe add some more to my website and maybe, if I was feeling adventurous, attend a few meetups for social media and creatives. I would have never imagined I would attend not one, but two creative conferences—or, that I’d test my professional skills to quite the extent I have.


Looking back, 2017 was a pretty big year for me. I did quite a few things that weren’t directly outlined in my resolutions but were some pretty special highlights.

  • Most notably, I started a new business.

  • Found a new stress reliever.

  • Discovered a new passion: hummingbirds!

  • Checked off some items on my bucket list

    • Met and fed alpacas

    • Visited the Museum of Ice Cream

    • Became a Disneyland Annual Passholder

    • Attended a Price is Right taping. Sadly we did not win the Showcase Showdown or anything else for that matter. But, we did get some pretty sweet TV airtime.

Goals for 2018

To keep in the spirit of setting reachable goals, I decided to set 2 more goals for this new year. Nothing too crazy, but enough to keep me motivated throughout the year.

Maximize My Time

I’m a big believer in calendar events and to-do lists, and productivity has never really been an issue for me. However, since I’m spending more time working from home now, I want to be sure I’m maximizing my capacity and efficiency.In 2018, I’m planning to use a Zero-Based Calendar. This allows me to block out time for work and time for myself while seeing where my “extra” time is being spent. Goodbye wasted time, hello maximum productivity.

Keep Creating

A few months ago I was introduced to the One Little Word project. I fell in love immediately and couldn’t wait to pick my word for this new year. Before I picked a word for 2018, I wanted to look back on 2017 and see which word best fit the past year. After a lot of thought, the word that best describes my last year was, create.

So what about this year? For 2018, I’ve chosen the word build. Choosing this word as my intention just felt right. The word “build” encompasses so many of the things I want to accomplish this year, growing my business, gaining new clients, creating more content for my personal and business blog—the list really is limitless.

Here’s to another year filled with coffee, cupcakes and new adventures—Cheers!